About the

We exist to help Christian postgraduates and post-docs to think biblically about our double calling:
  • to study excellently with a Christian ethos and worldview – bringing the light of the gospel to bear in our academic work for the benefit of society; and, conversely,​

  • to turn what we study to cultural apologetics and outreach – showing how the nature of reality points to the relevance and plausibility of the gospel of Christ.

We do this by hosting conferences in Cambridge for delegates across the UK and Europe, and providing additional resources, such as our annual Fellows Programme, through which we can engage both secular and Christian perspectives on the academic vocation.

We help postgraduates and post-docs in the UK and Europe to think biblically about their discipline and the interaction between secular and Christian perspectives.

We seek to equip Christians in the academic world to pursue a double calling:


Our work constitutes a partnership with:

Please take a moment to read about our partner organisations by visiting their websites and learn about work they are doing across Cambridge, the UK and Europe.

We want to pursue our shared vision together from a position of generous, humble confidence in the historic truths of biblical Christianity as summarised in the UCCF and Evangelical Alliance doctrinal statements, placing us within a classical Protestant evangelical tradition.